“When Leaders Don’t Matter” Short Lessons from a Powerful Story Part 1

“When Leaders Don’t Matter” Short Lessons from a Powerful Story Part 1   PDF printout need cohesiveness for success It’s doesn’t matter how great our managers or group leaders are, when they face people with strong emotional issues and personality problems; it...

3 Lines Then Longer Version: Fanaticism and Firing Bullets: Simple Ingredients to Enhance Your Business or Home

Fanaticism and Firing Bullets: Simple Ingredients to Enhance Your Business or Home 3 Lines Then Longer Version   PDF Fanaticism and Firing Bullets Dreams are important, but extended stick-to-itiveness and dedication to one’s strategic plan are also essential...

The Falsity of “Opposites Attract” 5 Lines & Longer Version – How to Incorporate the Word “Consanguineous” Gratuitously

The Falsity of “Opposites Attract” 5 Lines & Longer Version PDF Printout Opposites Don’t Attract Israel cries because each person is forbidden to marry their own close relatives. It is easy to marry such a person, as you are familiar with them and feel...